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Rp. 455.000 Rp. 455.000

Gratis ongkos kirim ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan minimal belanja Rp. 1 juta.

Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai pengiriman, silakan lihat pada halaman shipping and returns information.

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The Mosey channels the Trucker you grabbed from the gas station on holiday, only it’s sturdier and far more meticulously designed. Perfect for everyday dome protection, the Mosey is a classic trucker with an embroidered front felt patch, made from 100% Cotton Corduroy (apart from the mesh back and plastic snapper, obvs) fabrication.

Gratis ongkos kirim ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan minimal belanja Rp. 1 juta.

Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai pengiriman, silakan lihat pada halaman shipping and returns information.

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Sold Out


Rp. 455.000 Rp. 455.000

The Mosey channels the Trucker you grabbed from the gas station on holiday, only it’s sturdier and far more meticulously designed. Perfect for everyday dome protection, the Mosey is a classic trucker with an embroidered front felt patch, made from 100% Cotton Corduroy (apart from the mesh back and plastic snapper, obvs) fabrication.