It wasn’t stopped by Covid-19, it wasn’t stopped by the economic crisis, and by the stormy weather neither.

The Rally di Sardegna doesn’t stop, thanks to the determination of our organizations, sponsors, and the 80 riders who have been rewarded by more than 1000 kilometers of dirt roads, woods, and mountains, all surrounded by the Mediterranean sea – 5 days of honeymoon for the bikes and riders.

On the first day, participants rode from the Crossodromo del Ciglione, which has been set up for an amazing special stage, to the boarding in Genova. We rode all across the Ticino National Park, Po’s Delta national park, and the Capanne del Marcarolo National Park. From the plane to the Liguria’s Alps, through the rice’s trails. Bucolic views and endless golden fields played as a background for the Swank Rally caravan while it was warming up its engines. Once arrived at the border between Piemonte and Liguria things got tough: The special stage was a rocky steep turning higher and higher, until we got on the top, where mountains divide the two regions. That was the moment that proved who was a PRO, and turned out everyone made it to the ferry.

Once arrived in Sardinia, pilots gained what they were there for. The second day started with a classic: the special stage into Burgos’ Wood, an incredible maze of paths across woods and hills which has already been a special stage for different world championship rally’s editions. Known for the challenging navigation, it has led many participants out of track , and the best results were gained by the ones who have paid more attention to the roadbook instead of the throttle. The most scenographic side of Sardinia appeared later, when riders got on the top of Mont Grighine where we crossed the Eolic pack. There, rows of huge windmills were waiting for us, looking like waving to the riders who were passing by, and giving to the panorama a martian look.

The third stage : the ring Arborea-Arborea.

The sun was rising between heavy clouds, with a forecast of rain in the afternoon which no one noticed. We immediately headed to the special stage: a fire road climbing into the most mysterious land of Sardinia. Once on top, the scenario itself was worth the hike: behind us, there was the Oristano gulf, and all-around kilometers of wildlands were waiting for us to hit the ground riding. After the special stage and the small town of Ingurosu, the track drove into the enchanting atmosphere of Sulcis mines area. A valley of industrial monuments, where gigantic abandoned buildings were turning into part of nature year by year.

The challenging first half of the track encouraged some riders to award themselves with a special treatment in a restaurant; Then, many others decided to stop as well after seeing other’s participants’ bikes in the parking. What happened afterwards was that many participants of the Rally ended up spending more than one hour coping with spaghetti with seafood instead of dirt tracks. When getting back on the road with a lot of kilometers ahead and the flooding rain coming down, many of them regretted that. At least, crossing the Piscinas dunes has been amazing even with the rain.

On the last and fourth day, it was time to go back home. But not without the last surprise; the special stage on the sand, which was very hard for who’s not used to that kind of ground. Moreover, navigation was pretty challenging, and many participants ended up off track losing precious position on the ranking. After such a hard special stage, riders could rest and enjoyed a marvelous coastal road going from Bosa to Alghero. A fantastic route all fun with the sea on the left and mountains on the right, in the middle of the two souls of Sardinia. Before getting to the finish line, a last rocky climb into a forest – the final task to be sure everyone had enough.

Luckily, everyone made it to the finish line: we all partied together, awards were given to the winners, and we all shared some incredible stories which we’ll carry back home. But only by living it, you’ll be able to understand.

Deus Ex Machina and Adventure Riding thanks the participants and the Sponsor and supporters: Yamaha, TomTom, Motor Bike Expo, Acerbis, Gazzetta Motori, the Region of Sardinia, and all the people that allowed us to discover all the Italian beauty we saw.


R1 – Vintage

  • Carlo Pettinato
  • Ottavio Missoni
  • Alessandro Madonna

R2 – Modern

  • Alberto De Bernardi
  • Giuseppe Macchion
  • Ugo Stancari

Swank Award

  • Henry Favre

Precision Trophy

  • Andrea Bortolotti
  • Cristiano Esposito
  • Angelo Biffi

The Swank Rally di Sardegna 2021 is going to happen: September 29th – October 3rd



Non l’ha fermato il Covid-19, non l’ha fermato la crisi economica e non l’ha fermato il maltempo presente in tutta Italia meno che in Sardegna. Lo Swank Rally di Sardegna non si ferma grazie alla determinazione degli organizzatori, degli sponsor e degli 80 riders che sono stati ripagati da mille e più chilometri di sterrati, boschi, montagne e il mare tutt’intorno – 5 giorni di luna di miele per le motociclette e i loro cavalieri.

La prima tappa ha accompagnato i piloti dal Crossodromo del Ciglione – allestito ad hoc con una speciale mozzafiato – fino a Genova, attraverso il parco del Ticino Lombardo e Piemontese, il Parco del Delta del Po e il Parco delle Capanne di Marcarolo: dalla pianura alle Alpi liguri lungo le strade del riso. Panorami bucolici e sterminati campi dorati a far da sfondo alla carovana dello Swank Rally che scaldava i motori sui lunghi sterrati.
Con l’arrivo al confine tra Piemonte e Liguria la situazione si è fatta tosta: la speciale era una scoscesa e sassoso toboga che ci ha portato in cima, sempre più in alto, fino ad arrivare dove le montagne dividono l’entroterra Ligure dalla campagna piemontese. In cima, lo spettacolo ha ripagato la difficoltà della salita. Qui si è distinto chi aveva il manico o chi aveva ancora il fisico, ma alla fine son tutti arrivati in tempo al traghetto.

Con l’arrivo in Sardegna, i piloti hanno trovato quello per cui erano venuti. La seconda tappa inizia con un classico della Sardegna: la prova speciale nella foresta di Burgos, un labirinto meraviglioso di strade tra boschi e colline, più volte teatro delle prove dei rally mondiali. Rinomata per la difficoltà di navigazione, i suoi meandri hanno tratto fuori traccia molti partecipanti della categoria competitiva, lasciando i primi posti a chi dava meno manetta e più occhi sul roadbook.
Il momento più scenografico lo ha però regalato la cima monte Grighine, dove si estende il parco eolico. Dalla foresta che costeggia la traccia, file di enormi pale eoliche sembrano salutare i partecipanti e regalano un che di marziano al panorama.

La terza tappa: l’anello Arborea-Arborea. Il sole compare dietro nuvole gonfie che fanno presagire pioggia nel pomeriggio, dettaglio che non tutti hanno notato. Si parte subito verso la prova speciale: un tagliafuoco che si inerpica nella Sardegna più misteriosa. Lo spettacolo una volta in vetta è valso da solo il viaggio in Sardegna: alle spalle il golfo di Oristano, tutto attorno chilometri e chilometri di terra selvaggia da dare in pasto ai tasselli finiti a fine tappa. Passato il villaggio di Ingurtosu, la traccia si è tuffata nella magica atmosfera delle miniere del Sulcis, una valle di monumenti industriali, con giganteschi edifici che paiono esser diventarti parte della natura.
La difficoltà della prima parte ha spinto qualche partecipante a premiarsi con un pranzo un po’ speciale. Le moto dei primi fuori dal ristorante hanno attratto molti partecipanti di passaggio e fu così che metà rally è rimasto per un’ora abbondante alle prese con spaghetti allo scoglio piuttosto che con gli sterrati. Quando è arrivata la pioggia, mentre risalivano in moto con ancora tanti chilometri davanti, molti hanno rimpianto quella sosta di lusso, ma almeno tutto ciò ha tolto nulla al divertimento nel costeggiare le dune di Piscinas.

Con il 4 giorno è arrivato il momento del ritorno, ma prima, l’ultima chicca: la prova speciale sulla sabbia. Per niente facile per chi non fosse già in confidenza con questo terreno. A rendere le cose ancora più dure, c’è una navigazione non facile che puntualmente porta fuori strada molti dei partecipanti. Dopo la dura speciale un po’ di asfalto lungo la splendida strada costiera che va da Bosa a Alghero. Una incredibile percorso tutto divertimento accompagnato dalla vista impagabile del mare sulla sinistra e le montagne sulla destra, dove le due nature della Sardegna si incontrano. Ma prima di arrivare a Porto Torres una discesa trialistica con pietre smosse nella foresta che ha messo alla prova i bicilindrici. Con l’arrivo in riva al mare, è arrivato il momento delle grandi mangiate, delle premiazioni e soprattutto delle incredibili storie che ci porteremo a casa per raccontarle agli amici, ma che se non vivi, difficilmente potrai capire.

Deus Ex Machina ed Adventure Riding ringraziano i piloti, gli sponsor: Yamaha, Tom Tom, Motor Bike Expo, Acerbis, Il media partner Gazzetta, la Regione Sardegna e i numerosi Comuni, Consorzi, privati ed Enti, che c hanno concesso si scoprire le meraviglie del territorio italiano.

Per chi c’era, chi c’è e chi ci sarà. Abbiamo già le nuove date: 29 Settembre – 3 Ottobre 2021. SAVE THE DATE.


Sabtu pagi, 17 Juni 2023, menjadi hari yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh 250 peserta reli sepeda motor dan 80 kontestan flat track race di Bali. Itu merupakan acara Rally & Camp Tasik Adventure keempat yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas pecinta motor trail vintage yang lebih dari sekadar menggemari motor dual purpose era 80-90-an. Dikenal sebagai Trail Asik Adventurer, AKA… Tasik Adventure yang telah menunggu setahun untuk merencanakan dan mengerjakan nya demi tidak mengecewakan siapapun yang ikut berpartisipasi.

Coba kamu bayangkan , ada dua sisi koin berbeda pada event kali ini. Yang pertama adalah Reli. Mereka memberi nama Challenge "Tantangan", menjadikan setiap peserta sebagai "Penantang" Challenger. Jadi, di tempat parkir Sangeh Monkey Forest, sambil menikmati keteduhan pohon jati raksasa yang awet muda, 250 Penantang parkir untuk menerima kode QR untuk etape pertama rute reli. Seluruh perjalanan adalah 3 etape dengan 3 titik pemberhentian. 4 jika Anda menghitung tujuan.

Ada beberapa motor keren di sana, Honda XR, Yamaha DT, Suzuki TS, Suzuki DR, dan beberapa custom modern, motocross dan scrambler. Sekitar sepuluh atau lebih, mereka berbaris di titik start dan memulai rally dari sana. Misi setiap orang adalah menyelesaikan setiap tahap dan berhenti di 3 titik pemberhentian untuk mendapatkan kode QR untuk bagian berikutnya. Keindahan Bali selalu menjadi pendamping, saat kami terbang di sepanjang kombinasi jalan aspal, jalan pedesaan, dan jalan tanah di daerah Tabanan. Kami perlahan-lahan terbang tinggi dan semakin tinggi ke perbukitan dan pemandangan sawah dan hutan akhirnya habis, sebenarnya lebih seperti perlahan menjadi satu ketika kami sampai di tujuan. Bali Outbound Farmstay (BOF) yang juga menjadi tempat berkemah semalam. Jika Anda mengumpulkan semua kode QR Anda, Anda mendapat medali Rally sebagai bentuk penghargaan.

Sisi lain dari koin yang disebutkan sebelumnya, atau event kedua, adalah balap jalur datar (flat track). Atau dalam hal ini jalur dengan landasan yang tidak rata karena tempat mereka membangun jalur itu berada di atas tempat yang dulunya terdapat dua sawah terasering. Jadi titik start finish lebih tinggi dari jalur lurus pertama dengan penurunan pada tikungan pertama dan sedikit menanjak pada tikungan kedua. Saat kami masuk ke BOF, kami sudah bisa mendengar suara motor flat track dan sorakan penonton yang berkumpul. Kami parkir dan membuat jalur jalur seperti lebah.

Keseruan seutuhnya pada acara, disaat tingkat kesulitan tambahan dimasukkan ke dalam jadwal sore hari menarik perhatian yang sangat luar biasa. Mereka berhasil menarik sekitar delapan puluh peserta, terbagi dalam 4 kelas: Kelas Mesin Horizontal, Kelas FFA 4T Max 250cc, Kelas FFA 2T Max 250cc Flat Track, dan Kelas FFA Big Bore.

Antusiasme untuk balapan flat track sangat terasa. Kegembiraan tumbuh saat kami melewati babak penyisihan dan membangun sesuatu yang luar biasa untuk final setiap kelas. Tidak ada kata menahan, mereka hadir untuk memenangkannya. Pembalap dari setiap komunitas bersaing sengit di setiap kelas. Nama-nama seperti Maulana Sandi, Dewa Dimas, Harris Manasi Ride, Nova Rider Sing Mebekel, Ferry Rider Sing Mebekel, Bontok Giga MX, dan lain-lain tak main-main, sebagian besar dari memamerkan skill mereka tanpa mengesampingkan sportifitas dan keselamatan.

Trek dengan permukaan tanah liat merah keras yang kering memberikan tantangan. Di awal, para pembalap disuguhkan dengan bagian menurun pada tikungan pertama, setelah itu mereka memeras gas di bagian trek lurus sebelum berputar ke kiri lagi tapi kali ini menjadi bagian menanjak pada tikungan kedua. Itu memaksa mereka untuk menggabungkan keterampilan balap trek datar mereka dengan banyak teknik motocross. Pada akhirnya, semua pembalap bersenang-senang dengan debu tanah liat merah yang menutupi segalanya dan semua orang.

Saat matahari terbenam ke arah cakrawala, saudara dan sahabat motoran kami meraih pecahan cahaya terakhir untuk mendirikan tenda mereka dan dalam persiapan untuk berkemah malam. Matahari menghilang di balik Gunung Batukaru memberi semua orang pemandangan yang menakjubkan, tetapi segera menyelimuti kami dengan udara yang jauh lebih sejuk dari dataran tinggi di Baturiti Tabanan ini.

Percakapan tentang rute reli dan balapan flat track mengalir dari pintu tenda semua orang yang berkemah, yang lain membaringkan tubuh mereka yang lelah untuk mengantisipasi perjalanan keesokan harinya, perjalanan yang relatif santai ke Pantai Pasut.

Dengan begitu, acara Rally & Camp Tasik Adventure 2023 pun berakhir. Sampai bertemu lagi tahun depan, salam untuk semua penantang, pengalaman yang luar biasa.

Berikut daftar pemenang Kelas Flat Track:

Flat Rack Horizontal Engine Class Winners:
1. Chiko GTT Bali
2. Panduk Pisaga Delodan
3. Andika Monkey Brothers

Flat Rack FFA 4T Max 250cc Class Winners:
1. Nova Rider Sing Mebekel
2. Ferry Rider Sing Mebekel
3. Bontok Giga MX

Flat Rack FFA 2T Max 250cc Class Winners:
1. Sandi Maulana
2. Dewa Dita
3. Eponk Road Country

Flat Rack FFA Big Bore Class Winners:
1. Dewa Dimas
2. Haris Manasi Ride
3. Sandi Maulana

Saturday morning, June 17, 2023, was a highly anticipated day for 250 motorcycle rally participants and 80 flat track race contestants in Bali. It was the Fourth Rally & Camp Tasik Adventure event organized by a community of vintage trail motorcycle enthusiasts who love more than fanging about on their dual-purpose motorcycles from the 80s and 90s. Known as the Trail Asik Adventure Community, AKA… Tasik Adventure people had waited a year for the follow up and none were disappointed.

Just so you can get it straight in your head, there’s two very different sides to this coin. The first one was the Rally. They hung it under the banner of “Challenge”, making each partaker a “Challenger”. So, in the carpark of Sangeh Monkey Forest, which enjoys the shade of giant ageless teak trees, 250 Challengers parked up to receive the QR code for the first leg of the rally route. The entire ride was 3 stages with 3 stop points. 4 if you count the destination.

There were some amazing bikes there, Honda XR’s, Yamaha DT’s, Suzuki TS’s, Suzuki DR’s, and some custom modern motocross and scrambler bikes. In lots of ten or so, they lined up at the starting point then let them out for the event. Everyone’s mission was to complete each stage and stop at the 3 stop points to get the QR code for the next bit. Bali’s beauty was the constant companion, as we flew along a combination of asphalt roads, rural roads and dirt tracks in the Tabanan area. We slowly winded up high and higher into the hills and the views of rice fields and forests finally ran out, actually, it was more like blurred into one when we reached our destination. Bali Outbound Farmstay (BOF), which was also to be the overnight camping spot. If you collected all your QR codes you got a Rally medal as a form of appreciation.

The other side of the aforementioned coin, or second event, was the flat track. Or in this case staggered track because where they had built the track it was over a spot that had once held two rice terraces. So the Start finish straight sat higher than the return straight with a drop on the first turn and an uphill bit on the second. As we were pulling into BOF we could already hear the flat track bikes and the assembled crowd cheering. We parked up and made a bee line track side.

What an absolute corker of an event, the added degree of difficulty jammed into the afternoons schedule made for the most marvelous distraction. They’d managed to attract around eighty participants, split over 4 classes: Horizontal Engine Class, FFA 4T Max 250cc Class, Flat Track FFA 2T Max 250cc Class, and FFA Big Bore Class.

The enthusiasm for the flat track races was palpable. The excitement growing as we whittled down through the heats and building to something of a crescendo for the finals of each class. There was no holding back, they were in it to win it. Racers from each community fiercely competed in each class. Names like Maulana Sandi, Dewa Dimas, Harris Manasi Ride, Nova Rider Sing Mebekel, Ferry Rider Sing Mebekel, Bontok Giga MX, and others were letting nothing slip, flaunting their skills without compromising sportsmanship and safety. Mostly.

The track, with its dry hard red clay surface, presented challenges. Off the start, the racers were presented with a downhill section on the first turn, they hit the gas on the bottom straight before spinning left again but this time into an uphill section on the second turn. It forced them to combine their flat track racing skills with a slew of motocross techniques. In the end, all the racers had fun with the red clay dust lay across everything and everyone.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, our compadres and accomplices grabbed the last shards of light to set up their tents in readiness for a night of camping. The sun disappeared behind Mount Batukaru affording everyone a magnificent view, but immediately enveloping us in the much cooler air of these high grounds here in Baturiti Tabanan.

Conversations about the rally route and the flat track race flowed out of the tent flaps of all those who camped others bedded their weary bodies down in anticipation for the next day's ride, a comparatively leisurely meander down to Pasut Beach.

With that, the Rally & Camp Tasik Adventure 2023 event came to an end. Until we meet again next year, greetings to all challengers, what an amazing time.

Here is the list of the days winners:

Flat Rack Horizontal Engine Class Winners:
1. Chiko GTT Bali
2. Panduk Pisaga Delodan
3. Andika Monkey Brothers

Flat Rack FFA 4T Max 250cc Class Winners:
1. Nova Rider Sing Mebekel
2. Ferry Rider Sing Mebekel
3. Bontok Giga MX

Flat Rack FFA 2T Max 250cc Class Winners:
1. Sandi Maulana
2. Dewa Dita
3. Eponk Road Country

Flat Rack FFA Big Bore Class Winners:
1. Dewa Dimas
2. Haris Manasi Ride
3. Sandi Maulana